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Results matching “fan art”

Alatus Tower

Alatus Tower

Another concept piece that I did last semester along with the last two watercolor pieces. :B I had sekritly put this one on my personal site a while back but I never actually put it up on here, so in case anybody missed it before, here it is!

I altered the design of Azalea's animus a little :'D Also this is Azalea circa 13 years old or something so shorter hair and no fancy council uniform yet!

Incidentally I just got hired onto a REAL GROWN-UP JOB which I'll be starting in March! The commute is pretty far (read: ridiculous) but I'm gonna be take my role in protecting our environment and ride the train there every day so I can work on this comic during the ride (as opposed to killing myself slowly suffering through four hours of car traffic everyday ha ha ha uggghhh).

Yay steady income @w@

Fan Art!

Mother 3Done with finals, passed all my classes, and I just got back from a wonderful weekend at Fanime in San Jose! Now it's back to work for me :> Inbetween the Directions of Destiny stuff, I thought I'd put on the blog some of the fan art I've done over the last year that I hadn't put on the blog yet (even though they're technically on the website ha ha D:)

This is fan art of Mother 3! If you've played Earthbound on SNES, this is the sequel! Y'all should play it if you haven't D: It was an amazing game and it made me shed tears. :') I tried to put in as many elements of the game into this illustration without being too revealing.

Incidentally, the linework was originally done in pencil on paper, but then I decided to make some significant changes so I ended up redoing the linework completely in Illustrator.

Koopa Armada

Koopa Armada

I've always had a soft spot for Bowser ever since Super Mario RPG :B This was something I worked on during the semester that I managed to finish in time to sell as a print at Fanime. Unlike many of my past illustrations, this one incorporated heavy use of layers, now that I actually know how to use them more effectively thanks to my Digital Illustration class this past semester @w@

Updates Return June 18

So May came and went and many of you probably noticed that updates have not occurred yet. >__> Sorry about that! I shall now break down my excuses in a nice clean bulleted list :'D
  • School got more hectic as the semester came to a close
  • I got a job working as a graphic artist in my school's graphic services department
  • Fanime Con was the weekend right after finals (HELLO EVERYBODY I SAW WHO WAS THERE!)
  • Preparation for Fanime Con (and in turn the rest of the summer conventions) took up the better part of May
  • Commissionsss
That's basically the gist of it. The good news is I finished the semester with four A's and one B, and the comic is coming back Thursday, June 18!! In the meantime, I'll go back to updating the blog on Slime Mansion starting Monday with stuff I've been working on lately again. See you in two weeks here! @_@




This was a picture done back in July 2008 which I finally got around to putting up on the site. :B It's the Star Fox gang as seen in Smash Bros. Brawl. I was always a fan of playing as Falco in Melee (even though I'm kind of terrible at it), but I'm finding that I like playing Wolf a lot better this time around??

In hindsight there's maybe a little too much purple going on in this picture. owell :X

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